chartered wealth manager accredited financial analyst financial planner ISO 9001 Accredited Certification Body Training
International Board of Standards - Professional Designations -  Accredited Education.  Creating the World's Leaders in Management ™


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Note on Requirements and Criteria for Board Certification:

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Board Legal and Compliance
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.; Suite #293
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Primary Trademarks and Copyrights

Select IP Rights Global Intellectual Property and Trademarks Protected and Owned by the Academy. 1. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst 2. AgCC Agile Communications Certification 3. AMA Accredited Management Accountant 4. AMC Accredited Management Consultant 5. AMC Accredited Management Consultant 6. CAM Chartered Asset Manager 7. CAMC Certified Anti Money Laundering Consultant 8. CAPA Certified Asset Protection Analyst 9. CCA Certified Credit Analyst 10. CCA Chartered Compliance Analyst 11. CCC Certified Cost Controller 12. CCE Certified Corporate Economist 13. CCO Certified Compliance Officer 14. CEA Certified E-Marketing Analyst 15. CEC Certified E-Commerce Consultant 16. Chartered Economic Policy Analyst 17. Chartered Economist 18. ChMA Chartered Mortgage Analyst 19. ChPM Chartered Portfolio Manager 20. CHR Certified Human Resources 21. CHRA Certified Human Resources Analyst 22. CIPM Certified International Project Manager 23. CITA Certified International Tax Analyst 24. CLC Certified Leadership Consultant 25. CMA Chartered Market Analyst 26. CPC Certified Project Consultant 27. CPE Certified Planning Engineer 28. CPM Chartered Portfolio Manager 29. CPRM Certified Project Risk Manager 30. CRA Certified Risk Analyst 31. CRA Chartered Risk Analyst 32. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner 33. CTS Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist 34. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager 35. FAD Financial Analyst Designate 36. GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management 37. GAPM Global Academy for Project Management 38. MCP Management Consultant Professional 39. MFC Master Financial Controller 40. MFP Master Financial Professional 41. MFP Master Financial Planner – Charter Designation And Board Certification 42. MMC Master Management Consultant 43. MPM Master Project Manager 44. MQM Master Quality Manager 45. PME Project Manager E-Business 46. RBA Registered Business Analyst 47. RFA Registered Financial Analyst 48. RFS Registered Financial Specialist 49. RWM Registered Wealth Manager 50. IAPM International Academy of Project Management

GAFM ® Recognizes Double Accredited Education  and Exams Worldwide by recognizing the accreditation agencies  – AND GAFM ®  is the First to Do So in the World.
The GAFM ® Board of Standards and Certification Accreditation Council is independent of any training or educational institution and has been independent from inception.  GAFM accredits training programs as qualified education for our certifications.

As you know, many other organizations attempt to set up their own college, universities or training programs that lead to their own certification in the USA. GAFM is the first organization in the world to enter joint education recognition agreements with the AACSB and ACBSP which includes the 1000+ top ACCREDITED business schools worldwide that are recognized by the department of education.  GAFM also recognizes ISO standards for training and quality.

From a legal standpoint, you must realize that GAFM has recognized (in mutual and legal agreements) 1000+ + business schools and graduate law schools worldwide through agreements with the AACSB and ACBSP and ABA Law Schools. Thus, we have accredited and sanctioned over 1000+ + colleges and universities that provide government approved or sanctioned education.

So, GAFM ® accepts successfully completed credits and degrees completed from these top 1000 business schools, MBA programs, and law schools worldwide. It is an unprecedented move by GAFM that has NEVER been achieved by ANY organization worldwide. GAFM also accredits and approves qualified ABA Accredited Law School Courses and degrees that lead to certification.

Thus, GAFM is the first financial organization in the WORLD to achieve this status and legal arrangements with 1000 + Business schools and law schools worldwide. GAFM has the Most Registered and Approved business schools and laws schools in the world. More than ANY other independent financial organization.

The  Board of Standards that offers charters & board certification to qualified individuals who have met our experience and ethic requirements. Further, on its face, we offer certification to those who have successfully passed multiple courses and exams at ACCREDITED SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES through our legal articulation & recognition agreements worldwide.  Various Intellectual Property is owned by the board of standards.  The entity is independent of the global advisory and academic network.

In general, any of our members who have applied from our 1000 + accredited and approved law and business school relationships HAVE MET THE MOST STRENUOUS CRITERIA FOR COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE, COURSE REQUIREMENTS, COURSE COMPLETION, COURSE TESTING AND DEGREE REQUIREMENTS IN THE WORLD.
** Unlike other organizations, the GAFM has always required accredited college education for membership. Moreover, the bulk of GAFM membership are not “salespersons” or so called producers. Most of GAFM members are in positions of management such as: Financial Managers, Economists, Project Managers, Trust and Estate Planners, Asset Managers,  Wealth Managers, Accountants, Engineers, Corporate Finance Managers and so on…….

GAFM ® and our unprecedented 4-7 Year Certification Path via Accredited programs

*Candidates at a young age should realize that they can: Apply for admission to an accredited program and college, earn acceptance to an accredited program, excel in a focus area, pass all of the course exams from accredited programs, and then become eligible for board certification if they meet the other requirements such as experience, ethics and continuing education. It can be a 4-7 year certification process depending on if you go into a masters program, but our Board of Standards has the most respected path and method of certification which cooperates directly with government recognized schools.

NOTE on designations and credentials:

GAFM ®  mandates that all members subject to US Jurisdiction abide by the rules and regulations of the SEC, NASD and local, state and federal regulators and laws. Any member who uses an GAFM designation or board certification should understand that policy and regulation differs from broker-dealer to broker dealer and possibly from state to state thus reducing the ability to use any or all designations. All members that advise clients on investments or insurance products are encouraged to earn and hold an investment advisors license, series 65, 66 or RIA registration or licenses for the sale of insurance products. Moreover, any GAFM member should know that they may be subject to the rules of suitability, client objectives, diversification of client assets, to NOT use risky investments, anti- fraud, rules of representation, the way you hold yourself out to clients & prudent investing for any client who may be nearing retirement or has fixed income needs.

Regulation and Licenses

For anyone who holds themselves out as an Analyst and provides analysis on investments, you must be familiar with all rules under the SEC and NASD. Please review this one also as you may be subject to this rule.   As per FINRA and SEC rules, US citizens may also be required to pass exams or be approved for various types of activities . Consult your lawyer or state securities agency, banking government agencies,  or the SEC, CFPB, FIDC,  or FINRA directly to find out what you need to do to be in compliance.

Go to any one of our over 1000 accredited and recognized degree providers for a Recognized Degree

You comprehend that we do not offer any degree or diploma from the USA, but we do offer professional designations to those who have met the accredited education, degree, licenses such as CPA or law,  and training and experience requirements. You understand that the GAFM effectively recognizes and accredits over 1000+ double accredited business schools globally as well as the ABA accredited law programs. You agree that you have read the terms and disclaimers and other requirements publicly listed on the websites. Any offers for membership and certification are good for 5 days. If not accepted, the offers act as though they never existed.

If you are applying from outside of the USA, the Board has the legal right to refer your application to the organizations who are in charge or have authority over and in your region or territory for assessment and evaluation or training . Payments from outside of the USA may be deemed as licensing payments to offshore divisions or units operating in the EU, Africa, Asia or West Indies.  Offshore tax and jurisdictional laws may apply to international payments and may be treated as donations, non profit receipts, IP payments, or capital sales of local shares of stock.   General payments are for exam fees, assessment fees, certification, membership as a fellow, or other verification documentation.

Regional Assessment

Even if you believe that you are qualified under the requirements, the Board has the full right to request that you complete an GAFM recognized or required course and exam in the territory who may have oversight from your region.

ALSO The International Headquarters for Certification and Designation Training is based in Italy, and Singapore with government license to manage, operate and consult along with rights to legally issue certificates or international diplomas from that sovereign region. The secondary headquarters for training is based in Beijing and Delhi. The Board consists of members in several countries and the situs of the board can move at any time. The global certification standards body that issues the designations and certifications are based in LA-USA and Milan Italy EU.

Scholarships are available to those who are in financial need. These are considered a gift. Anyone who wants to make a gift to the organization simply needs to make the nominal payment for certification registration online. All payments that do not include proper billing information, which are non compliant are considered a gift or donation by the individual.  * Any and All transactions with this organization must be properly documented by the applicant and applicant or payee must notify the herein organization of any intended payment or registration payment with the officially recognized and formal expense notification from your jurisdiction with name, business name, tax ID, business ID, address, email and phone. If the applicant or new member does not provide all of the required documentation of registration by mail or email, then any and all non-formalized and non-compliant transactions are considered a donation or gift until otherwise noted or established while the membership and certification is also a gift or scholarship.

Viewers of this site are subject to the forum, venue, laws, and jurisdiction of the US Federal Courts EDLA LA USA.  IBS LLC is a Louisiana registered company.

You are in the IBS, LLC Certification Review and Payment Center. DBA International Board of Standards.

Your credit card will not be charged until you have been approved by the Board of Standards to receive Certification Certificates based on your achieved degree, education, licenses, distinctinos, credentials, experience and successful testing.. This payment is for application, review, processing, initiation, and certification and designations only. If accepted, your application, initiation, review, processing fee, and certification designation fee will be charged to your card, and membership is free for 2 years. Annual good standing or our licensing fees may be accessed after 2 years. Refunds are available for 30 days after you have entered your credit card information for payment. If you want a void or refund, notify us as soon as possible and we will be glad to help you within this 30 period. If your order has alredy been shipped or received, we may require return of the Intl. Board of Standards Property before refund.

Sincerely and Kindest Regards, Board of Standards

IBS LLC International Board of Standards, LLC –  Privacy Statement “IBS LLC ” is highly sensitive to the privacy interests of members and believes that the protection of those interests is one of its most significant responsibilities. In acknowledgment of its obligations, “IBS, LLC DBA Board of Standards” has adopted the following Privacy Policy applicable to information about applicants that it acquires in the course of its business:

1. Acquisition of Information. We do not acquire any more information about applicants than is required by law or is otherwise necessary to provide a high level of service efficiently and securely. 2. Our Employees and Privacy. We train all of our employees about the importance of privacy. We give access to information about applicants only to those employees who require it to perform their jobs. 3. Security Measures. We make access to privacy-sensitive information subject to protected and technological controls, consistent with legal requirements and the demands of applicant and candidate services. 4. Disclosure to Third Parties. We will provide individually-identifiable information about consumers to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, or we have the express permission of the applicant, or it is necessary to process transactions and provide our services. 5. Privacy and Our Business Partners. When we make our technology or services available to business partners, we will not share with them any more applicant information than is necessary, and we will make every reasonable effort to assure, by contract or otherwise, that they use our technology and services in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. Questions. If you have questions about this privacy policy, please send an e-mail to

The Board of Standards USA awards issues the designations or certifications globally via the Board’s 1200 + approved educational paths and distribution channels. The Independent Boards recognize over 1000 registered colleges and business schools internationally that are double accredited by the US Government recognized accreditatation Agencies.

Qualified Graduate Applicants can Register Here for Certification, Membership and Fellow Status. This certification registration web-page is here to allow candidates who are qualified under the graduate requirements or have taken approved AACSB ACBSP EQUIS, ABA Courses, or executive training (or have met the graduate standards of the board) to make certification payment. Also, this site allows individuals, corporations or companies to make payment for membership or certification online using a company credit card. You would see a charge on your statement from International Board of Standards – Metairie, LA USA 70001 for this credit card charge.

Sincerely and Kindest Regards, Board of Standards

All trademarks and copyrights the property of the respective USA Intl. Board of Standards.

Terms, Accredited Education and Good Faith Submissions: If anyone reports false or fraudulent information to this website for an application, we can simply report this fraud or misrepresentation to the relevant legal authorities and place a BAN on our website for the individual who has falsified any application. You comprehend that we do not offer any degree or diploma from the USA, but we do offer professional designations to those who have met the accredited education and training and experience requirements. You understand that the Board of Standards and Accreditation Commission effectively recognizes and accredits over 560 double accredited and government recognizes business schools globally. You agree that you have read the terms and disclaimers and other requirements publicly listed on the websites. The Board of Standards is not a training company. Just like all reputable boards of standards, the Board is an independent certifying body and is not in the business of directly providing courses because we have hundreds of government recognized institutions that do that for us already. All candidates are encouraged to apply and enroll in accredited educational institutions with the goal of Certification in mind.


Cancelation refers strictly to the application for certifications, designations and membership.  All training registration, payment and transactions are strictly between the training company and the customer.  GAFM does not conduct or manage training in any way directly.  Students take all courses and trainings and exams at their own discretion directly with the provider.
Certification Registration and Payment – Refunds are available for 30 days after you have entered your credit card information for payment. If you want a void or refund, notify us as soon as possible and we will be glad to help you within this 30 period. If your order has alredy been shipped or received,we may require return of the Board of Standards Property before refund.
Contact Name: GAFM Global  Academy of Finance and Management ®
Contact Fax: 419-828-4923
Address: Box 293
1670F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd.
Colorado Springs

About GAFM ®

  The GAFM International Board of Standards is ESQ European Accredited and ISO Certified for Quality and ISO 21001 Certified for Training Standards

ESQ Accredited





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 Accredited Certified Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant

The GAFM ® Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited  and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 21001 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs




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